Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Swollen and Ready

We are now a mere 12 days from our estimated due date. Things are getting crazy! Here's what I look like: 

We went to the doctor Monday and baby boy is estimated at 8lb 9oz already! This is a big boy, this also means that all of those cute newborn clothes are not going to fit our mammoth baby (they go up to 8lb). I have started having swelling in my hands and feet, I had to take off my wedding rings because they were cutting into my finger and bruising it. I feel a little weird being out with no rings on after 9 years! Also, I can only wear flip flops, which do NOT look cute with every outfit in case you were wondering. 

So, I need to confess...I have to retract my statement about wanting baby boy to stay put until the due date. It just happened Sunday but I am ready for this boy to come out. It's hard to walk, hard to drive, hard to sit, hard to sleep...so it's time. I know I said he could stay in until June 1, but let's go baby...anytime now would be good. 

Vanity, vanity...I wanted to look nice for all of the picture taking that is going to be happening because of this major life event so I went tonight to get a haircut.  Let me be clear with you, don't do something like that this close to a major life event. Just don't. Not only was it the weirdest longest haircut of my life (1 hour 20 minutes! and not at a beauty school) but it is the second worst haircut of my life (the worst one was from a beauty school incidentally). Truly. I'm not sure how this guy has a license. I got in the car and sobbed all the way home. So now I look horrible for my baby boy's appearance into the world. I know it sounds really minor and petty, but I'm actually terribly sad about this.

Of course, then I get home and get a call from Brett reminding me just how blessed we are. He's such a good partner, I am truly grateful for him in my life, always keeping things in perspective. I'm still sad about my hair but ultimately in the big scheme of things, life is great, and Brett offered to buy me a beanie and I'll just wear a beanie like the baby. That may honestly be the best option...

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