Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Body Parts

I am now at 35 weeks, coming down to the wire...last week we started our weekly doctors appointments where they check to see how things are progressing. I asked her if there is any way to keep that little boy in until June 1 because I am a control freak and have very specific plans.  She laughed and said, "No matter what people tell you, there's no way to speed them up or slow them down.  Babies come when they are good and ready." So it's time to start wagers on when he's coming!

Over the last few weeks the baby has grown quite a bit and I can finally distinguish body parts that are moving my tummy constantly (this boy is ACTIVE). It is bizarre to know that the thing sticking out of the side of your tummy is a foot, I had that experience last week. I can identify body parts...how weird!? And yet, how amazing.  I definitely cried, who's surprised? I think Brett is better at figuring out what things are though, my sense of knee vs. foot is off sometimes.

Brett and I went to a movie the other night, we've been dying to go but I was so nervous about being uncomfortable, but we went anyway.  Baby boy was not a fan of the noise - he seriously was agitated the whole time, squirming around and kicking me (legitimately it was a loud movie - Captain America). But between that, how many times I had to use the restroom and how uncomfortable it was to just sit there...we'll not be going to a movie again until after he's born, but it was a nice date!

And now I'm getting big to the point that I feel awkward and tubby.  I didn't know that was a stage. For awhile you have to keep it secret, and then you WANT a belly so that people will know, and then you have this sweet spot where you're definitely pregnant and people can tell and it's cute and fun, and then you get so big you feel gross and you look dumb in pictures and people are like "woah, you're big." I'm at that last stage...and I know it's only going to get worse over the next 5 weeks. Sigh*

Side note: I know this post is all over the place, but it's been awhile since I posted so there's a lot going on. So here's picture to break the wordy-ness:

We've also been getting everything prepared in the house: washing baby stuff, rearranging (closets, cupboards, etc.), putting together baby items and furniture (ok that one's all Brett), and purging our stuff to make room.  It's been fun and we're close to ready.

It's very surreal at this point, I mean we have all this stuff and I can feel him moving in my tummy and I KNOW that we are having a baby....but the thought of another person living in our house soon is surreal. And this isn't just any person, it's our person...who is he going to be? I'm so excited to meet him! And one of the things that makes it more real is that I think we've finally settled on a name (don't bother asking, we won't tell you), which is fun.  Although if he comes out and looks like a Melchizedek or Abednego or something, we're willing to change it.

Ok, enough info for today...whew! Two doctors appointments this week and 34 days to go!!

Psalm 139:13-16 Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb.
I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, the days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Our Big Baby Boy

We are at 32 weeks, coming down to the end! We went to the doctor this morning and baby boy is doing well, he's just the cutest little guy: on the sonogram he was moving around and we saw him yawn. What a miracle! He's still bigger than average but whereas last time we got a measurement he was in the 78th percentile, now he is in the 61st percentile...a little relief for me. They measured him at 4 lb 13 oz.

I have felt his kicks now for awhile but he is now head down and when he moves he mostly rolling around trying to get cozy...and he moves constantly! No need for this momma to do kick counts, our baby boy is a mover and shaker. There are times when we can feel a leg or his little butt sticking out, awesome stuff. 

We wanted to give a special thanks to all of you who made this past weekend so special. We had two showers in Indiana. We feel tremendously blessed by each one of you and are so thankful for your part in our lives. We know baby boy is going to be so loved!

This is a picture of me, my sister Jennie (and Milo), and my sister Jennifer (and Natania and AJ). My heart is full:

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Baby bump

The baby bump is an interesting thing: it's both great, strange and in the way.  Last week at my appointment my doctor told me I have the "perfect pregnant belly." I'm not sure what that means but since she see's a lot of them, I'm going to go ahead and be proud.  And here are a few pictures: