Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Amazing Things

We are down to 18 days...holy cow! In some ways I feel like it's been forever since those first few months where I felt so very very sick, in other ways I feel shocked at how quickly we've gotten here. No matter if he's early, on time or late we will be a family of three within the month. Honestly it feels so surreal, I know that this active little guy in my belly is real but I also feel completely unable to process that he is going to be living at our house soon (and not in me).

We've been getting ready for the better part of a year now, doing little things here and there and more recently taking care of pretty big things but we are finally ready (well as ready as we can be!). Tonight we added a little flourish above his crib: 

"We'll bring a child into this world, we'll say one thing everyone should hear: you were meant for amazing things," it's a lyric from one of Brett's favorite bands Sleeping at Last in their song "Umbrellas." We want to encourage our little guy, we believe that God created each one of us for a purpose. What will his be? We can't wait to find out...(and now I'm crying again!)  

We can't wait to meet you little boy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this! So excited for you guys:)