Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today my whole Thankful Thursday post is dedicated to my husband.

Many of you know Brett, but I don't know that you know him really, as he is with me.  I wish you could see this guy. Over the last three months I have been sick, cranky, hard to deal with, sick, emotional, tired, sick, and generally require a lot of care.

He rubs my back when I'm sick, he takes my attitude with calm and grace, he continually tells me he loves me and is supportive, he holds me when I cry and speaks rationally when I can't see it.  He has taken over most of the cleaning and laundry duties and won't let me do too much.  He gives me daily foot/hand rubs and brings me breakfast in bed.  He has taken to working most days at the church (he usually works from home) so that he can be with me. There's so much more and I could really go on and on...but let me just say he not only does all of these things, he does it without complaint.

I am truly blessed.  This man is wonderful, caring and truly my favorite. I thank God for him every single day. And I know that even though I'm worried about parenthood, this kid will have an amazing dad.

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