Weight: Over half a pound (a big one just like Judah!)
Healthy and active!
We are having another baby and we could not be more excited! The blog is up and running again so you can keep track along with me if you'd like for baby #2, which could also be called last baby (just to get a jump start on all of those delightful month-after-baby-comes questions: when are you going to have another?? We're not.)
Something I can't get enough of this time around is the term "advanced maternal age" which comes up A LOT! The high risk doctor (since I'm SO OLD I had to go), said it about twenty times in the appointment today. I get it bro, I'm old.
I have heard over and over again each pregnancy is different and how true it is! This time, after only six weeks that belly popped right out. Last time I was 4 months when I started showing. I've thrown up a whole lot less this time, which is a plus. Being pregnant with a toddler at home is exhausting though. Last time I could rest if I was tired, this time there is a two year old who wants to play or needs to eat.
(Only 8 weeks!)
Naming a second baby is hard because you have to follow the same rules as the first one. In our case: Biblical first name, not too popular but not too weird. Second name that honors a loved one. We'll get there eventually, we've got time. Judah has given many good name suggestions, the best of which are Chewbacca, Goofy and Nana. The other ones are a little less acceptable like "baby" and "fall down" (because "I push him").
One of the things that we read was that when you have other children at home you should refer to the baby as "our baby" so that the other kids take ownership and feel like they are a part of what is happening. This has worked so well with Judah that he mostly refers to the baby as "my baby." Last night he said, "Mommy, how is my baby? Baby growing in your tummy?" And he talks about being able to play with him and show him the toys downstairs. This is good because Judah's initial response to having a baby brother or sister was "No, no, no thank you, no, no."
As you can probably guess we're both very excited and very terrified, and are anticipating baby #2 at the beginning of the new year. Keep connected here for more info as I grow!
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