Thursday, September 11, 2014

Asleep...on his face

Before we get to the Judah update...let's get real. I've said it before and I'll say it again, being a mom is not easy. Last night/early this morning I had a major breakdown.

As you know, Judah has started rolling. Well this week he took it to a whole new level with the rolling. All he ever wants to do is roll, although it's pretty much only in one direction. Sometimes he likes it, but sometimes when he gets on his tummy he gets frustrated. For the last two nights he has started rolling in his sleep. He rolls to one side of the crib and starts screaming because he's stuck. So he's not getting much sleep and guess what? Neither am I.

Well, last night was particularly bad. He wouldn't go down, because he kept rolling over and when he was on his tummy he was mad. Brett and I took turns trying to calm him down enough to sleep before we went to bed. Then he only slept for short periods of time. I nursed him every 1.5 to 2 hours since that seemed to calm him down enough to sleep (he's been going for much longer periods of time at night). 

Well after I fed him once again at 5:30 he absolutely wouldn't be calm. He wasn't awake really, but he wouldn't stop rolling and when he was on his tummy he was mad. But he fought me when I tried to turn him over to his back.

Well, after trying to turn him with no luck I started pleading with him a little (as if pleading with a 3 month old can work)...and then I started crying...and then I started sobbing. At this point it's a little past 6am. I'm not sure if he was mad at not being able to roll or if he was responding to my tears, but he started crying and then he started screaming. At this point Brett heard him screaming and ran in to find me sobbing over the crib. He moved me out of the way to check on Judah and I fell to the ground in hysterics.

...True confessions of a tired mom, I was a mess. This mom stuff is hard. Thank God for Brett, he is such a blessing. He took the baby downstairs, made sure he was ok, and then came up to comfort me (I was still crying hysterically - the kind where you get hiccups and can't breathe - and going off about how I was a bad mom). Needless to say, I slept for several hours and woke up to a healthy and happy little baby. Sigh* we practiced at nap time with letting him flip over and stay asleep. He did alright and tonight he flipped over and we let him calm himself while keeping a close eye on him. I know everyone says once they can roll they are safe on their tummy but *seriously* how do you not freak out when your baby is sleeping on his face!?

Also, sometimes his sleeve gets caught while he is rolling, this is how we found him yesterday:

Besides the rolling, a few other updates: Judah can now hold things intentionally which is fun. He can play with his toys and he keeps getting a grasp of his feet and this is one of his new favorite positions:

 He also loves...and I mean LOVES being in the carrier with daddy. He will happily hang out for hours in that thing.

He is drooling like a champ, he talks constantly, he continues to love bath time and he loves to dance. He is still smiling and laughing all the time, in fact he has taken to pausing every few minutes while nursing to coo and laugh at me, this kid is a happy little guy! He is a gift!

Monday, September 1, 2014

3 months already!

First, a response to my previous post: just FYI, as distraught as I am about jeans shopping, I want to be clear that I would not trade Judah for the best body in the world. Just thought I should spell that out and update on Judah:

This week he turned three months old! How time flies. He is 14 lbs 6 oz. He doesn't seem that much bigger to me, but he's growing out of outfits almost weekly and I've noticed that when I'm nursing him my arm is getting tired because his head is so heavy (read: big).

He is making all sorts of talking sounds and trying out his voice. He talks and squeals and responds to us. He also giggles and cackles, especially when Brett makes funny noises or tickles him. One of our favorite things is when he smiles so big that he loses his paci, which happens frequently. He thinks we are really funny and he'll grin or laugh and the pacifier just falls out of his mouth.

Last Thursday we had an awesome experience. Judah rolled over (!!) from his back to his front, which really startled him and then he face-planted. Later, while we were doing tummy time, he rolled from his front to his back. He repeated that front to back roll several times during the day including when we were face-timing Grandma and Grandpa (Brett's parents) and then later when we were face-timing Nana and Papa (Shannon's parents)! Our little guy is developing and growing  up so fast!

Time is going  by so quickly, we are trying to enjoy every moment and every stage.