Thursday, February 27, 2014

Give me a minute to complain...

I am into my third trimester this week. Wow!! And I know it's glorious and amazing and a miracle to get to have a child and I truly believe all of those things but I want to complain for just a minute...if you don't want to hear pregnancy complaints don't read this post. Fair warning.

1) My liver hurts (well I think it's my liver) all the time. Is it just being squished? Is it growing too? What's happening there? I try to push it down out of my ribs and stretch to make it feel better but for the most part it feels uncomfortable. I don't like it. 

2) I now have heartburn, I knew it was coming. Everyone says it was coming and now here it is, burning it's way up my chest all the time. Don't eat large meals, don't eat things with lots of spice, eat slowly, don't eat fried stuff or caffeine or acidic foods...I get it, but you can't avoid everything. 

3) This may be TMI but it is my blog, so whatever...I have to pee constantly. CONSTANTLY. I can't sleep for more than two hours at a time. I always have to look for the restroom when I get somewhere. Road trips take forever. Plus it's costing a ton in TP. 

4) My motivation/energy level is super low, like all of the time. It makes me feel useless and guilty. Not much else to say on this topic. Just not how I'm used to functioning. 

5) I can't take hot baths or long or hot showers...which just in general is sad because sometimes you just want to relax but this winter has been COLD, like extra cold. And all I want to do sometimes is warm up but no can do. 

Ok, I'm done...I do love being pregnant and I am excited about what is coming, but being pregnant is not super easy and it is not fun all of the time. Someone needs to tell it like it is. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Things I can no longer do...

In some ways it feels like I've been pregnant forever...those sick days back in October and November where I couldn't keep anything down, couldn't move and cried constantly seem so far away. But in other ways I can't believe how time is flying. I am 25 weeks already! At 27 weeks I'll be in my third trimester already.

Baby boy is so very active! This week I've felt like a scene out of "Alien." I feel him moving a little the rest of the day, but when I sit down for the night the real fun begins. I lay back and just watch my belly roll  like the kid is trying to get cozy in bed, flipping and flopping. When he kicks my whole tummy jumps and then it just moves consonantly.  I guess he's making up now for the time when he'll be too cramped to move. It's delightful and funny!

So my list of things I can't do anymore (or am having significant trouble with) is growing and growing, here are a few that are particularly frustrating: 
1) Put on my socks, shoes, boots, etc (I'm consider just wearing flip flops even though it's winter)
2) Shave my legs in the shower
3) Sit upright at a desk for more than a few minutes (or sit upright at all, I have to lean back to be comfortable)
4) Open doors without hitting the belly 
5) Zip my coat 
6) Reach high shelves in the kitchen

The thing is...I KNOW that this is only the beginning, it's going to get harder to do things. I'm going to get much bigger and what will I do then? I need to have a personal assistant, haha! I'm only kind of kidding. Brett is tremendously helpful, but since he travels for work there are weeks like this one where I have been very aware of how much he does...and I'm increasing grateful for him.  

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Brian Williams raps

Jimmy Fallon put together this video making it seem like Brian Williams is rapping. I can't get enough of this funny. I love all kinds of rap (old and new), I will definitely teach baby boy to be lover of all music types.


Friday, February 14, 2014

Monumental: New Nephew

Moments in life that are monumental:

7) Getting a new nephew

Once again I am blessed to share with you a new life that has come into ours.  My nephew Milo Theodore New was born Tuesday.  It is my brother's first child and he and my sister-in-law are in awe of this miracle. I too am once again amazed at how very quickly you can fall in love with someone. This beautiful little boy is going to be very loved! I am blessed to now have 4 wonderful nephews and 2 beautiful nieces. Here is a picture of me and my brother and Milo:

Monday, February 10, 2014

Baby and the Beatles

This week I have a severe lack of energy - Brett says it's because this is the time when duck baby is growing the most and fattening up (PS. I love that Brett keeps up with pregnancy blogs and info so he knows what's happening and can reassure me when I feel nervous). I do feel like my belly is getting bigger every single day now rather than so slowly, like it was at first.

So, last night we watched the Beatles 50th anniversary special and it was delightful (the Beatles are my favorite) and for the last song, Paul and Ringo sang "Hey Jude," my all-time favorite song.  So I stood by the TV so that baby boy can learn to love the Beatles even now and Brett got some pictures:

PS. So full disclosure: I used my belly to balance some food this afternoon - I'm not proud but there it is.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Pregnant sisters

I am now 23 weeks along, which is crazy to think about, and baby boy is moving around A TON! The other night Brett wanted to feel him moving and so he poked my tummy until the baby woke up. Baby boy proceeded to kick me hard for ten minutes, making my belly jump and then went back to sleep. It's such a fun and amazing thing to experience, I can't wait to meet this little guy who is so very active.

It's also a really fun experience to be pregnant with someone you know.  My brother and sister-in-law are expecting also. In fact they are due on Feb. 20th, so really it could be anytime! It's so fun to journey with someone on this path, and since she's a few months ahead, I am constantly aware of what is coming. This is us in January: