Baby: Huge...probably over 10 pounds and growing daily
(This is what a very pregnant Shannon looks like - even Judah is surprised!)
The safest thing for both of us at this point is a C-section, which we have scheduled for tomorrow morning. To say I'm anxious is an understatement. I know it's more and more common, I know a lot of women who have done childbirth this way, and I remember how physically traumatic my first delivery was (check out this post about it: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)...but I'm still anxious.
A positive is that it is nice to be able to make for instance we're doing a last fun day with Judah, one last day as a family of three. From tomorrow on we'll be four.
Let me admit something, I'm excited to meet this little boy, but I'm mourning our little family of three. We know how things work, we've got a rhythm. I'm also freaking out about being able to love this new kid as much. I love Judah so much, what if I don't love this one as much? What if he's not as cool as Judah? What if Judah doesn't like him?
Just sharing some of my many anxieties with you...this is a short one, I just wanted to update you all on what's happening. We would appreciate your prayers tomorrow for safety for baby and for me.
(Our last day as three)